10 Things I Wish I Knew in My 20’s - by Hannah Ayla

Your 20’s are a time for learning, exploring, and self-discovery, but if you’re looking to be ahead of the curve, here are 10 things content creator Hannah Ayla wished she knew in her 20’s:  

  • Listen to your gut. If something is feeling weird or wrong - it probably is. This applies to relationships, work, friendships, etc. 

  • You don’t owe people (fill in the blank) - you are allowed to say you don’t have time, energy, money, etc. You do not owe anyone anything.

  • Boundaries. One of my favorite quotes: boundaries don’t keep people out, they keep you in. 

  • Your friendships should feel easy. Outgrowing friends in your 20s is hard and painful - but necessary to help you (and them) find the people that feel right.

  • Take risks. Don’t wait to follow your dreams. You never know when someone you love or yourself will get sick. life is a lot shorter than you think. Do the things you want to do. 

  • Live for yourself - not your parents. Hate that job but know how proud your parents will be? When your parents are gone - who do you want to live for everyday? Live for yourself and the things that fill you up.

  • Care about people who don’t look like you. The world is a really painful place for a lot of people. Ignorance is bliss but it can also be harmful. Take time to care for people outside of your circles.  

  • Date people who aren’t your “type”. Your type is likely a misconstrued idea from the media and you’re missing out on a lot of amazing people. 

  • Care less what people think. Unfortunately people care a lot less about you than you might think - your stress about what that one person from high school might think about you is keeping you from doing things and you’re likely robbing yourself of an experience every time you don’t do something fearing what someone else may think. 

  • Your life doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Single at 30? Married with kids at 23? Everyone is on a different path and the more you compare, the harder it is to enjoy what you have and realize what’s right for you. 

  • Your creative ideas have a shelf life. Have an idea? Do it! Don’t overthink it. Most likely you’ll overthink it to death and never do it. 

  • Therapy can change your life. Therapy often requires a large financial commitment, but investing in yourself will always pay off. Plus, the hard work gets easier as you go.


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